People links Corporate Profile
Background to SURE Engineering CC
The company
originator and owner Neil Jeffrey has had forty years experience in electrical
power systems, electronics management, design and manufacturing including:
Instrumentation design, development and manufacture of analogue and
digital hardware, mechanics and packaging, micro-controller hardware and
embedded real time software, Digital Signal Processing and PC based software
& systems
Electric power utility working environments include electricity metering
& traffic systems, telecommunication & telemetry systems, protection
systems, system control centre and SCADA systems, load control systems such as
voltage reduction, ripple and radio control systems; power stations and
generation plant, high voltage transmission lines, equipment and networks;
medium voltage distribution equipment and networks, including underground
cables, fault location, sub-stations, etc.
Electronics development environments include detailed design, systems
design, project management, consulting and management of electronics projects.
We specialise in solving real world problems with innovative and cost effective
approaches by taking a design through a feasibility stage, user requirement stage,
systems specification and design, detail design, design for production,
component acquisition, sub-contracting, manufacture and delivery.
End user approval and accreditation: we are a small company that uses
ISO9000 principles in the practice of structuring our working environment. The
choice of our suppliers and component manufacturers is very important to us, as
well as relying on a structured documentation infrastructure
Present company direction is the creation, development and manufacture
of new range of innovative high voltage and current instrumentation products.
With expansion of low cost electrification systems throughout the developing
world, our SURETECH products are key to providing low cost value engineered
solutions for these projects
Picture above: Neil looks a little greyer lately
If you would like to know what Neil thinks about the present financial
crisis that we are enduring, then read his blog
[ Occupy Wall Street: WHY? - 34kByte PDF
file ]